Basic information about Hans Buch as a supplier
Being customer of Hans Buch A/S, you will find all relevant information on this page, as well as references to other conditions.
Company and contact
Hans Buch A/S
Roskildevej 8-10
DK-2620 Albertslund
VAT: 75142412
EORI DK-75142412
Tel. +45 4368 5000
General inquiries:
Finance department:
OIO/EAN/GLS: 5790002583506
Bank information
Nordea Erhvervscenter Copenhagen
Vesterbrogade 8
DK-0900 Copenhagen C
Reg. no. 2191
Account no. 6444875109
IBAN no. (DKK account): DK1420006444875109
IBAN no. (EUR account): DK1320005005987700
IBAN no. (USD account): DK9420005005987697
Currently, Hans Buch is certified in ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001. Read more about Hans Buch’s sustainability efforts by clicking the button below or download our certificates.
At Hans Buch, we continuously work to maintain and expand the portfolio of certifications and value the following internationally recognised standards:
- ISO 9001 (quality management)
- ISO 14001 (environmental management)
- ISO 45001 (occupational health and safety management)
- ISO 50001 (energy management)
- ISO 26000 or SA8000 (corporate and social responsibility)
Code of Conduct
Download and read the documents in Danish and in English about Hans Buch’s Code of Conduct.
General Terms & Conditions for Sales & Deliveries
Download and read the documents in Danish or in English about Hans Buch’s general terms and conditions for sales and deliveries.