The standards, rules and recommendations etc. for the light marking of obstructions are defined by various organisations. The most important is “ICAO – International Civil Aviation Organization”. Below you will find info regarding different countries.

he International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) is the international body responsible for drawing up recommendations for the safety of air transport. The Convention on International Civil Aviation, Annex 14 Volume I “Aerodrome Design and Operations” includes Chapter 6 “VISUAL AIDS FOR DENOTING OBSTACLES” which gives guidance concerning the need to provide safety marking on structures that may be considered to be a hazard to air traffic. The majority of national Civil Aviation Authorities (CAA) use these recommendations as a basis to decide which structures need to have safety markings, and to determine the design of the marking system required.

Denmark: Rules and regulations regarding obstruction light (Hindringslys) are defined in: “BL 3-10 Bestemmelser om luftfartshindringer” (Udgave 2, 22. januar 2010) Find it here

Rules and regulations specifically regarding wind turbines in Denmark are defined in: “BL 3-11 Bestemmelser om luftfartsafmærkning af vindmøller”. Find it here.

There is also a guidance document for BL 3-11 Find it here

Sweden: Rules and regulations regarding obstruction lights (Hindermarkering) are defined in:
“TSFS 2013:9 Transportstyrelsens föreskrifter och allmänna råd om markering av föremål som kan utgöra en fara för luftfarten”. Find it here

Norway: Rules and regulations regarding obstruction lights (Hinderlys) are defined in: “Forskrift om rapportering, registrering og merking av luftfartshinder”. Find it here

Finland: Finnish Transport and Safety Agency Find it here.  Example of marking for wind turbines in Finland Find it here

Germany: The implementation of the ICAO recommendation (Marking of obstructions = Annex 14) can be viewed in “General Administrative Regulation for the Marking and Lighting of Obstacles to Air Navigation” Find it here

For wind turbines in Germany please see link to document from German Wind Energy Association (BWE). Read more.

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